This cute project – a multi-coloured dapple dachshund on 28-count linen – was very difficult. Not because of the pattern or the number of needle changes needed but because of the stitch size. Usually on a 28-count linen you would work as you would for a 14-count aida. So, I began this piece as a 14-count project.
However, as I began to stitch down the first leg, I realised the little chap would be too big for the material size – what a mistake to make! I managed to get my head around the fact that the stitches I needed to do were absolutely minute – 14 stitches to an inch is fine but 28 stitches to an inch well that is a whole different ball game. But any stitching errors were tricky to rectify so I needed maximum concentration levels. We all know that is never easy when you are working full time and running a busy teenage-filled house.
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Completing the Dachshund on 28 count Linen

With the error addressed, I started completing the miniature dachshund’s front right leg. Thousands of miniscule stitched which took hours and hours and hours and hours! One A4 page of pattern down – another three to go.
Using unspecified threads supplied with the kit, they tanged easily and often needed untwisting or unknotting which is not something that usually occurs with DMC or Anchor threads.
What to do next? The first part of the head or the other bottom part? Choosing to go up rather than across I started to get a feel for the animal’s character.

The dapple dachshund (on 28-count linen) was coming to life. Constantly checking my rows and stitches, I was cross stitching in a way I never had before. Sectioning off the stitching chart and making sure I didn’t go beyond each section ensured I focused on one area at a time. This in turn, meant I could easily check that everything lined up and was in its exact location. Less mistakes equals less time unpicking!
3 pages of A4 down and one to go.
Eh voila! Complete.