Lastly: the final part of my Christmas Owls Cross-Stitching Project – I promise!
Week 6
I think this has been my favourite owl to stitch. because his tummy looks like a festive bauble while his wings and head look like the branches of a Christmas tree. In addition to this, the star on top, with stocking and bauble decorations, finishes this chap of perfectly.
The eyes were quite fiddly with the single colour stitches but overall this owl is the most fun, with Bright greens and reds giving it the perfect Christmassy feel. The darker green is DMC 701 while the brighter green is DMC 907 and the red is DMC 666 all of which you can buy by clicking the links above.

I hadn’t quite finished yet because the letters of Christmas needed to be stitched. But these weren’t any trouble – a candle ‘i’, a snowy’m’ and letters in the other joyful colours!
Et voila, FINISHED – apart from the backstitch! Aaaaaahhhhh!

Backstitching for Christmas Owls Cross-Stitching Project
You may like to backstitch your projects as you go, however, I prefer to leave it until the end because it gives me closure. It adds the detail that really brings the finished project to life when perhaps the stitching hasn’t quite made that happen! Below are the BEFORE backstitching and AFTER backstitching for each owl. What do you think?
In conclusion, this whole project up, it was absolutley wonderful. A real pleasure to stitch and something that will bring joy this year (something I think we all need – no matter how small) when I use it to decorate the house at Christmas time.