This kit is from Chad Valley and called ‘I Can Make A Tapestry’. This is not how I would define tapestry. It really is a simple cross stitch kit with wool instead of embroidery thread.
Inside the I Can Make A Tapestry by Chad Valley kit there is everything you need to complete each design. The wool is brightly coloured, the frames are sturdy plastic, the aida is large-holed stiff plastic and there are two plastic blunt needles. All you need are some scissors trim the wool!

Externally the frames are 18cm x 18cm with the internal sewing measurement of 14cm x 14cm. The plastic aida has 4 holes to every 2.5cm (1 inch). With corner holders and a central clip at the top, the plastic aida stays securely within the frame. However, for sewing purposes, removing the large holed 4 count aida and picture instructions is simple.

To see other kits I have completed please click here or here!
Sewing ‘I Can Make A Tapestry by Chad Valley’
The Teddy
Bright and cheerful – just as a teddy should be. It was tricky to stitch because of the wool running along the back being very clearly visible from the front due to the large hole sizes. For example: when stitching to give a diagonal stepped affect the wool needed to be threaded under the previous stitch to reduce the rick of wool being seen from the front.

The Clown
Given the fact that my children disliked clowns when they were younger, this is not something that I would hang on their bedroom wall. On one hand – it is bright and colourful; however the finished sewn face is not very endearing. Again, when changing direction with stitching it was important to disguise the change so the wool was not visible from the front. This was easier to stitch than the teddy because there were fewer areas where this thread disguise was necessary.

If you would like to purchase children’s embroidery or cross stitch kits please click here.